Buckingham Congregational Church
16 Cricket Lane, Glastonbury, Connecticut    860-633-7992

The Mission & Outreach Team leads the congregation in discerning how best to follow the path of Jesus by reaching out to others in need.
We provide opportunities to help relieve poverty, end hunger, pursue justice, and provide service for the community. Reaching out to those in need across the globe and locally is what we are called to do.
Below is a highlight of our mission work. We are a generous congregation known as “The Small Church with a Big Heart”. Come join us!

Mission & Outreach

Manchester Area Conference of Churches’ (MACC) food pantry

We collect nonperishable food and non-SNAP goods for the MACC food pantry.  Fun special collections goals are set by members are held for high demand items. We participate in food rescue pickup at Shoprite, delivering weekly loads of donated produce, bakery, dairy and meat.

We collect and donate Thanksgiving and Christmas grocery store gift cards for families so they may shop for their favorite holiday food items. For Christmas gifts, each family member receives a gift card to the store of their choice.

Heads-Up Hartford

A weeklong summer camp uniting urban & suburban youth to improve our communities and develop as leaders. Buckingham has been involved in HUH since its inception. We continue to support the camp with scholarship monies for kids who would otherwise be unable to attend and host a snack night during the week. 

Covenant to Care

Buckingham participates in the Adopt a Social Worker Program. We partner with a particular social worker to provide special and necessary items needed for the children in her caseload. Items include generously stuffed Easter baskets, age-appropriate school back packs and Christmas gifts for the kids.

Simply Smiles

Simply Smiles is a nonprofit organization, whose childrens' village model is redefining how society’s most vulnerable children are cared for in Oaxaca, Mexico. We host a Chili Cookoff with all proceeds and other monetary gifts donated yearly.

UCC Worldwide Missions

Through special collections and/or allocation of budgeted funds, we support both U.S. and worldwide missions of the UCC. These include: One Great Hour of Sharing and Neighbors in Need.

Naubuc Green Resident Birthday Party

As one of the original founders of Naubuc Green senior living center in Glastonbury, Buckingham hosts a birthday party each March that includes a plethora of homemade cakes along with entertainment provided by our members and kids. Homemade birthday cards top off the evening. We hear our party is the resident favorite!

Carol's Closet

We have joined St James Episcopal and other local churches to help provide essential items that the state food stamp program does not cover. Examples include adult incontinence pads, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant and other items. The pantry is located at St James Episcopal, Main St, Glastonbury.  

Special Donations and Support:

With mission funds allocated by the Executive Board, we were able to make special donations to My Sister’s Place in Hartford, Yale Andover Newton Seminary, Silver Lake, LGBTQ Asylum Task Force at Hadwen Park UCC, Effortz, Heads Up! Hartford and Carol’s Closet.