Buckingham Congregational Church
16 Cricket Lane, Glastonbury, Connecticut    860-633-7992

Bible Nuts  (Men's Bible Study)

Each Thursday at 2:30 PM, a group gathers to read and discuss the Scripture passages for the following Sunday's lectionary. We share observations, concerns, joys and prayers. Easy fellowship is the hallmark of this group.
Known as the Bible Nuts (because in-person meetings featured snacks to be shared), anyone is welcome to join.

Small Groups

Book Group: 

Pastor Moon leads a book study on Wednesdays, from 10:00-11:30, in the Youth Room. The book changes every few months. We read and discuss each chapter together, developing our spirituality and connections.

Each of us will purchase our own copy of the book. If you are not online and want a book, or if you have any questions about the study at all, please call Pastor Moon at 860 874 4273.

Current book: