Buckingham Congregational Church
16 Cricket Lane, Glastonbury, Connecticut    860-633-7992

Worship is at the heart of our community.

Week by week, month by month, or however occasionally we make it to worship services, through the rituals of this time together we are formed in the love of God and community. 

Children in Worship

Children and infants are always welcome in the worship service. If your little one gets fussy we have a fun nursery room available for you to rock them or let them play.

We also offer nursery care each Sunday if you wish to remain in worship. We have two adult volunteers available to be in the nursery. Please let a Deacon or Usher know if you would like nursery care at any time during the service.


The feel of worship at Buckingham is informal and relaxed.

Our service time is at 10:00 am. We share in communion on the 1st Sunday of each month.